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Colon Polyps

Are Colon Polyps Always Worrisome?

If you get a colon cancer screening, you may learn that you have polyps growing in your colon. This is actually quite common for elderly people, though it can happen at younger ages as well.
Fortunately, colon polyps are usually nothing to worry about – if they are removed. Because of that "if," most colonoscopy doctors will take them out right as they find them during the exam. This is possible through the use of a special tool that goes onto the scope tube.
Technically, colon polyps are considered "pre-cancerous." They are abnormal growths, but are typically not yet cancer. However, they have a higher chance of turning into cancer if left alone. Therefore, the recommendation is always to get rid of them.
Getting rid of most colon polyps just takes snipping them off with a special tool. However, for ones that are very advanced, a more-involved surgery will be needed that includes stitching up the affected area after polyp removal. Either way, almost all cases are done with the scope, and there is no open surgery involved.
In the vast majority of cases, polyp removal is so simple that it is done during colon cancer screening and requires no stitches. Therefore, you shouldn't let concerns about this cause you to delay that screening. Delay is cancer's friend, and it is what allows polyps to become malignant. Getting rid of them right away is typically painless, trouble-free, and prevents future problems that would be far worse.
If you have any other concerns about colon cancer screening, talk to your gastroenterologist. He or she will surely put your fears to rest about this common procedure, which is done hundreds of thousands of times per year or more.

Makipour and Modiri Gastroenterology 

2280 Opitz Blvd, suite #200

Woodbridge, VA, 22191

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